Developer Documentation
Platform Overview
API Services
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Supporting Documentation
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Request Parameters

Data retrieval services typically include standard parameters for searching, sorting, and pagination. Take a look at the Oasis OData Documentation for more details.

You can also find example queries in our Spark API Postman Library

  1. Attribute Selection
  2. Pagination
  3. Sorting
  4. Searching
  5. Expansions

Attribute Selection

The $select parameter allows you to specify the top-level data components you need. For larger data sets, such as properties, using this parameter will greatly reduce data retrieval time.

Parameter Description
$select A comma separated list specifying the attributes to be returned in the response payload.


Pagination allows data to be retrieved in sets of a specified size and provides additional data about the result set.

Parameter Description
$top Integer > 0 and <= 25 indicating how many results to return at once. The default is 10. For keys with the replication role it may be > 0 and <= 1000.
$skip Indicates the number of records to skip over when retrieving the current results set.
$count Boolean true or false. Indicates if the number of records in the total result set should be returned. Default is false.


Sorting is typically available on resources that allow searching.

Parameter Description
$orderby Indicates the order in which to return records in the result set. Each service has its own default order. You can also sort by ascending (asc) or descending (desc) order.

Any searchable field can be present in the $orderby parameter, with some exceptions (e.g. longer text fields such as PublicRemarks for properties).



Request parameters below are common to data retrieval services supporting searching.

Parameter Description
$filter OData filter syntax is used for filtering. Documentation can be found here.


Request parameters below are common to data retrieval services supporting pulling related entities.

The most basic example is to retrieve both media and listing data with a single call to the API. This can be done by including the $expand=Media parameter in a request on the /Property endpoint.

You are also able to pass pagination and search parameters that interact exclusively with the expanded entity. The syntax for such a request is $expand=Media($top=1) and the result of this particular example is the retrieval of a single media record for each listing in your payload.

Parameter Description
$expand OData expansion syntax is used for expansions. Documentation can be found here.