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Example: Searching Locations with Polygons

The listing search available in Spark® API provides shape based search criteria for geographic locations.

  1. Authentication
  2. Define a polygon
  3. Searching for listings inside the polygon

Step 1: Authentication

This example expects that you have already obtained an OAuth 2 authorization token to access a user's data. Read more on our OpendID Connect Authentication and OAuth 2 Authorization.


Step 2: Define a polygon

For an example, we will use a polygon from popular culture which would find some listings of repute (if they exist).

Bermuda Triangle Coordinates:
  25.774252°N, 80.190262°W
  18.466465°N, 66.118292°W
  32.321384°N, 64.75737°W

Step 3: Searching for listings inside the polygon

Since the shape is a triangle, we'll use the polygon search function for the Location field with this filter: Location Eq polygon('25.774252 -80.190262,18.466465 -66.118292,32.321384 -64.75737')

$ curl "" -H "Authorization: OAuth MY_OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN"  
    "D": {
        "Success": true,
        "Results": [
            "Id": "20100000000000000000000000",
            "ResourceUri": "/v1/listings/20100000000000000000000000",
            "StandardFields": {