Floplan API - Examples
Here is a list of example requests that can be executed using curl at the command line. This is intended to provide a quick medium to access and examine floorplan data once you've been provided a FloPlan API access token. Note that in each example you'll need to replace the "ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE", "LISTINGKEY_HERE" and "RESO_OUID_HERE" indicators with your appropriate access token, ListingKey (see service documentation), and RESO OUID respectively.
Note that when using curl at the command line URL encoding or escaping may be necessary to ensure your request is parsed properly. This is demonstrated in the "with URL encoding..." example below.
Metadata retrieval (note the Accept header must be set to XML):
curl "https://api.floplan.io/Reso/$metadata" -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE" -H "Accept: application/xml"
Simple floorplan retrieval (parameters and information):
Request Format:
curl "https://api.floplan.io/Reso/Media?$filter=OriginatingSystemResourceRecordKey eq 'LISTINGKEY_HERE' and OriginatingSystemResourceRecordSystemID eq 'RESO_OUID_HERE'" -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE" -H "Accept: application/json"
With dummy ListingKey and RESO OUID populated:
curl "https://api.floplan.io/Reso/Media?$filter=OriginatingSystemResourceRecordKey eq '20200813172634864487000000' and OriginatingSystemResourceRecordSystemID eq 'T0151235'" -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE" -H "Accept: application/json"
With URL encoding, dummy ListingKey, and RESO OUID populated:
curl "https://api.floplan.io/Reso/Media?%24filter=OriginatingSystemResourceRecordKey+eq+%2720200813172634864487000000%27+and+OriginatingSystemResourceRecordSystemID+eq+%27T0151235%27" -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE" -H "Accept: application/json"
Floorplan retrieval specifying a maximum of one floorplan returned
curl "https://api.floplan.io/Reso/Media?$filter=OriginatingSystemResourceRecordSystemID eq 'RESO_OUID_HERE'&$top=1" -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE" -H "Accept: application/json"
Floorplan retrieval specifying that records 16-20 should be retrieved (to page through the results)
curl "https://api.floplan.io/Reso/Media?$filter=OriginatingSystemResourceRecordSystemID eq 'RESO_OUID_HERE'&$top=5&$skip=15" -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE" -H "Accept: application/json"